Rip Rap Overview

Our professionals can install native Florida limerock revetments that are natural looking, long lasting, and environmentally friendly. Rip Rap, as it is commonly called, provides a strong, stable shoreline and is especially suited to open water applications where it provides excellent storm surge and wave protection. As an additional bonus, Rip rap typically costs less to install than a typical seawall. This is also an excellent alternative when Environmental agencies won’t allow a seawall on your property as limestone rip rap is typically more environmentally-friendly than a seawall.

Rip Rap New Construction

If your shoreline is eroding, any of the following events may be destabilizing your soil, resulting in erosion: fluctuating water levels, increased wave or wake action, loss of natural vegetation, and human activity. Protecting your shoreline from erosion may not require you to replace natural shoreline with a high-cost, highly engineered retaining wall or riprap. There are affordable, low-impact methods to stabilize your shoreline and still protect property values, water quality, and habitat. Natural rock riprap consists of coarse stones randomly and loosely placed along the shoreline. In most cases, vegetation planted in the rocks will stabilize the riprap and improve the appearance of your shoreline.

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